Let's BeFriends
is a charity in the Lancaster and Morecambe district which provides a befriending service to people who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or recently rehoused after a period of homelessness.
Let’s BeFriends is driven by the value of human connection and collective responsibility for action, one that focuses on the moral human rights we share and the connection between us all.

What we do
We Combat Isolation
We promote social inclusion by relieving loneliness and helping people to feel a part of their communities
We Prevent Poverty
We provide services, advocacy and advice to beneficiaries struggling with financial hardship
We Protect Health
We ensure access to services and activities which have a proven beneficial effect on wellbeing
We Change Lives
We improve life chances by offering training, supervision, job references and TEMPO time credits to our volunteers

Let’s BeFriends
email: info@letsbefriends.org.uk phone: 07598993669
Let’s BeFriends is a Registered Charity in England and Wales, Number 1199161.
Copyright © 2023. Let’s BeFriends. All rights reserved.